
Centrnauchfilm (Central Scientific Film Studio)

Russian film studio of popular science and educational films. In the 70s, the studio produced more than 300 films a year.

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Central Studio of Documentary Films

The largest documentary film studio in the USSR. Famous directors such as Dziga Vertov, Alexander Dovzhenko, Sergey Gerasimov, Roman Carmen, Mikhail Romm, Vladimir Osminin, Eldar Ryazanov worked at the studio.

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Lennauchfilm (LNF)

Leningrad Popular Science Film Studio was established in 1933. The main goal of this studio was to show Soviet achievements in science and technology. The studio did not stop working during World War II, even at the time of the Siege of Leningrad.

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Sverdlovsk Film Studio

The film studio was founded in Ekaterinburg in 1943, during World War II. The studio created more than 200 feature films, 500 documentary films, several hundred popular science films and animation movies. Various films are included in the Top 100 Soviet Films.

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Leningrad Studio of Documentary Films (LSDF)

The studio was establised in 1932 and quickly became one of the largest stuidios in USSR. LSDF produced hundreds of documentary films and film journals, the most notable of which were 'Leningrad Newsreel', 'Our Land', 'Soviet Karelia'.

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