On talented child musicians and their teachers - artistic director and conductor, People's Artist of the USSR Vladimir Spivakov.
Maestro Vladimir Spivakov on stage leads to the piano Anna Denisova, applauding - MS.
On the scene ksilofonist Rostislav Sharaevsky, suited to the tool - MS., PNRM. in the orchestra.
On the scene saxophonist Asya Fateev, musicians welcome Asya - MS.
Little Alexander Zhuravin on stage comes with flowers, receives bouquets from the audience - MS.
Landscape near Moscow - LS., Hitting.
Landscape, river - LS., PNRM. down.
Landscape with field and forest - LS.
Landscape in the foreground to "pap" rain - MS.
The village chapel, crosses in the cemetery - LS.
On a wet road rides man on a bicycle, a man and a boy riding a horse - LS.
Anna Denisova plays the piano, stand around and listen to the children in St Alexis Desert (synchronously) - MS., PNRM., CU.
The person listening to the girls - CU., Hitting.
PNRM. the faces of girls - CU., departure.
Plays Anna, listen to the children - MS., Departure.
Person listening to children - CU., MS.
Plays Anya (synchronous) - MS., Departure.
Those children - CU., PNRM.
Vladimir Spivakov, takes the stage for a rehearsal with the orchestra Anna Denisova, goes to Anna, kissing her - MS., PNRM.
In the hall sat the young musicians listen to a rehearsal - MS.
Pass and catch Asya Rostik and Ilya Petrov - MS.
Vladimir Spivakov curls stool in front of the piano for Anna Denisova, rehearsal, PNRM. on the piano - MS.
Evgeny Kissin in childhood rehearsing with Spivakov is among the musicians.
Vladimir Spivakov in his youth among his students - MS.
Vladimir Spivakov in youth among musicians "Moscow Virtuosi" at the rehearsal - MS., PNRM.
Evgeny Kissin at the piano, conducted by Vladimir Spivakov - MS.
Anna Denisova rehearsal with orchestra Vladimir Spivakov (synchronous) - MS.
Conduct the hands of Vladimir Spivakov - CU. (In rehearsal with Anna).
Rehearsal: Anna plays with the orchestra, the conductor - Vladimir Spivakov - MS.
Along the coast is Sasha Zhuravin the pipe sits a fisherman with fishing rods - LS., MS.
At sea, a lone sailboat - LS. (From shore).
Sasha on the beach, looking into the distance - MS.
On stage is a symphony orchestra, soloist - little Sasha Zhuravin - MS., Departure, CU.
Sasha plays the trumpet - CU., MS.
Sasha played on stage with an orchestra - different., PNRM. (From the tap in the hall.)
Sasha plays - CU., LS. (The scene with a crane).
The street boy plays the accordion and sings a song, people go by (synchronous) - MS.
On stage rehearsing Vladimir Spivakov and orchestra, the piano plays Anna Denisova - LS.
Seascape, waves lapping against the shore - LS.
Anne plays the piano at a rehearsal with the orchestra and Vladimir Spivakov - MS., PNRM. hands on Anya.
Seashore - LS.
The end of the rehearsal with the orchestra Ani Vladimir Spivakov, Vladimir Spivakov kisses Anna, talking to her, stroking the head (synchronously) - MS.
Rostislav plays xylophone in rehearsal with the orchestra Vladimir Spivakov - CU., MS.
Conducted by Maestro Spivakov - MS.
In the empty auditorium seated musicians - MS.
Rostik Sharaevsky rehearsing for conductor place - Vladimir Spivakov, the end game - LS.
Rostik puts sticks and moves away from the instrument, jumps off the stage - MS.
Rostik and Asya Fateeva sitting on a park bench - LS.
Asya sits on a park bench - MS., PNRM. by Rostislav.
Asya plays saxophone, rehearses with the orchestra Vladimir Spivakov conducts Maestro Vladimir Spivakov - MS.
Spivakov conducts a rehearsal with Asya - CU.
Landscape with a pond - MS.
Pond, boys jump into the water from a boat - LS., Departure.
Sasha Zhuravin walks past a pond in St Alexis monastery - MS., Hitting.
Sasha plays the trumpet in St Alexis monastery, stand around and listen to his girls and boys (synchronous) - MS., Departure.
Sasha plays the trumpet village children - CU., MS.
Girls listen to Sasha's game - CU.
Animation: against the background seascape white frigate sails - NPL.
Two boys singing a song, one of them plays the guitar, listens to Anna Denisova (synchronous) - MS.
Listening Anya - CU.
Sheremetyevo Airport (inside) - MS.
PNRM. on entering the luggage at the airport Rostislav Sharaevsky - MS.
The waiting room at the airport Sheremetyevo, PNRM. the escalator - LS.
The escalator rises Rostik suited to his grandmother - MS., PNRM.
Sheremetyevo airport runway, passing carriages with luggage - LS. (Top).
Rostik with her grandmother in a cafe airport cafe saleswoman - LS.
Cafe at the airport, the people in the waiting room - LS. (With motion).
Rostik sitting on suitcases in the waiting room before flying to Japan - MS., PNRM. Rostislav at Mama.
People sit at the tables in the cafe at the airport Sheremetyevo - MS.
Halls lzhidaniya Sheremetyevo - LS. (Top).
Rostik Sharaevsky goodbye to her grandmother before leaving, leaves and waves - MS.
Rostislav worth grandmother in an airport lounge, waving his hand - MS.
Sasha tells Zhuravin (synchronous) - MS.
Rostik approaches xylophone before the rehearsal with the orchestra - MS., PNRM.
Rostik in rehearsal with the orchestra - CU., PNRM. up and back on the face Rostislav.
Rostislav plays with the orchestra in the rehearsal room - LS., CU.
Rostik smiling, playing, the hand turns the notes before Rostikov - CU., LS.
End of the game - LS.
In the rehearsal room is Asya Fateev, start rehearsals with the orchestra (synchronous) - MS.
Asya saxophone player fo a rehearsal with the orchestra (synchronously) - CU., LS., PNRM. on saxophone and back.
Asya plays saxophone, rehearsal with the orchestra - CU., MS. (The change in focus in the orchestra).
PNRM. Asi with the notes on the desk.
Looks Vladimir Spivakov - CU.
PNRM. with chandeliers on playing in the empty hall of the Moscow House of Music Anna Denisova - LS.
Plays Anna Denisova (synchronous) - CU.
Anne plays the piano on the stage in the empty hall of the House of Music - LS., PNRM.
Sasha Zhuravin playing trumpet on the beach, going to the beach - MS.
Children rest on the Black Sea in summer camp "Artek", run swim in the sea - LS.
Children bathe in the sea - CU.
Girl in the waves - CU.
Children run to swim in the sea in summer camp - LS., PNRM.
View of Mount Ayu-Dag in Crimea - LS.
Sasha Zhuravin washes dacha in the Crimea, the grandmother he pours water from a jug - MS.
Looking girl smiling - CU.
Sasha washes, water pours out of the jar - CU.
At the Concert Hall of the Music House goes Anna Denisova, ready for action and Orchestra Vladimir Spivakov - LS.
Anya sits in front of the piano, getting ready for a top performance - MS.
Start the game, conducted by Vladimir Spivakov - MS.
The orchestra Vladimir Spivakov, the piano Anya - LS. (The scene).
The audience in the hall of the House of Music - LS., PNRM.
Landscape, river, sunset - LS.
Anna Denisova performance with orchestra Vladimir Spivakov - LS.
Landscape, river - LS.
Anna Denisova performance with orchestra Vladimir Spivakov - LS.
Landscape, river - LS., PNRM.
In the meadow Sasha Zhuravin, pass by a horse with rider, another boy on a horse - MS.
Landscape, road through meadows - LS.
Ani performance with orchestra Vladimir Spivakov at the International House of Music - LS.
Anna goes through the village street, breaks a flower is a woman with a child - MS., PNRM.
Ani performance with orchestra Vladimir Spivakov - MS., LS. (The scene).
Landscape with the river, the morning - LS.
Anna leaves the stage after the show, the orchestra and Vladimir Spivakov applaud her - MS., PNRM.
Protested Rostislav and orchestra Vladimir Spivakov: a concert orchestra applauded Rostik standing, then sit down - LS.
Birch is about Grandma Rostislav - CU., PNRM.
Hand lighting candles on a birthday cake - CU.
Rostik blowing and extinguishes the candles on the cake - CU., PNRM. on the cake (change focus).
Carry cake - CU., PNRM.
PNRM. from wood to grandmother Rostislav carrying in his hands the cake - MS.
Grandma puts the cake on the table, Rostik with friends sitting at the banquet table in the garden - MS., PNRM. on the table.
At the banquet table sits a boy - CU.
Children sit in the garden at the table at the birthday Rostislav - MS.
Rostik suited to her mother and grandmother, grandmother kisses - MS.
Animation: white sailboat floating on the sea (computer graphics) - LS.
Sasha on a yacht in the Black Sea, along with his friend - MS.
Sailing ship at sea - MS.
Vladimir Spivakov at rehearsal with balalaika Ilya Petrov - MS., PNRM.
Anya training in the gym with coach Tatiana Dushkin does ribbon exercise - MS., Hitting.
Anna pulls the leg up - MS., PNRM. the other girl-gymnast.
Anya doing gymnastics place with the other girls - MS., Hitting.
Girl gymnast sit on the floor in the hall - MS.
Anya in the gym gives interviews (synchronously) - CU.
Anna, along with other girls in the classroom exercises - LS., PNRM.
Girl sitting on the floor in the gym - CU., PNRM. by Anna (from behind).
Anya doing gymnastic exercise - CU., Departure, impact.
Coach in the classroom with girls gymnasts, including Anya - LS., Hitting, MS., PNRM., Departure.
Metro bridge across the Moscow River - LS.
Opening of the International Festival of the CIS and Baltic countries, the participants of the festival scene, said Vladimir Spivakov (synchronous) - LS., MS.
Sasha in the church of St.
Aleksy desert - MS., Hitting.
The icon of the Mother of God in the Church of St Alexis desert - CU.
Monk in the church kissing icons, crosses, goes to the window - MS.
Boy playing the clarinet around the underpass in Moscow, are people - LS.
Girl playing violin on the streets, are people - MS.
Boy (Sergei Bogdanov) plays the accordion in the street - MS.
Vladimir Spivakov is sitting in his office at the House of Music, says (synchronously) - MS.
Vladimir Spivakov is rehearsing with his orchestra (synchronous) - LS.
PNRM. in the orchestra.
The avenue in the park run Asya Fateyeva and Rostik Sharaevsky - LS.
Seascape, sunrise - LS.
Clouds in the sky - LS.
Rural landscape, summer - LS.
Landscape with a River - LS., PNRM.
Conducted by Vladimir Spivakov - CU.
Hand with a bow, PNRM. on the hands - CU., departure.