Fragment of d/f "Moscow" (1941)

Footage №101430, 7 footages, duration: 0:01:41

Scene №1 Fragment of d/f "Moscow"

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Information desk kiosk on the street.

A man approaches the kiosk.

A kiosk employee is talking on the phone.

Key words

Pre - war Moscow

Calendar: 1941

Locations: Moscow [820]

Scene №2

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The man examines the issued certificate.

Cars on the street.

Locations: Moscow [820]

Scene №3

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Children are playing outside.

The building of the Danilovsky department store.

The building of the Military Academy named after M.Frunze

Locations: Moscow [820]

Scene №4

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The garden ring.

Rare cars.

Locations: Moscow [820]

Scene №5

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A boy rides a toy car with pedals.

View of the car parking from the top point.

Panorama of GAZ cars.

Scene №6

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A woman asks something from a traffic policeman near the Okhotny Ryad metro station.

People on the street.

Scene №7

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Top view of the Red Square.

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