Soviet Sport № 11 (1957)

Newsreel №10500, 1 part, duration: 0:10:10, black-white
Production: CSDF (RCSDF)
Director:Venzher I.
Camera operators:Artseulov O., Aslanyan G., Vikhirev N., Egorov YU., Epifanov G., Listvin A., Ryashencev K.


Different subjects.

Reel №1

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1. Sports parade on Red Square in Moscow and other cities of the USSR in the 40-day celebration of the anniversary of the Great October Revolution.

2. Morning exercises in the family of Professor Chermenskogo in Moscow, in a watch factory in Chistopol.

Production processes in the shops of the plant.

Physical education lessons in primary school 569-th Moscow school.

3. Traditional kilometer run Spartacists Tarasovka Moscow.

4. Motocross athletes of the Central Motor Club DOSAAF to Rastorguevo.

5. Competitions on the world championship in pentathlon in the vicinity of Stockholm in the woods "Missing Gatan.

6. Traditional Peace Marathon in Kosice in Czechoslovakia.

7. International ice hockey match between teams of the USSR national team, and Sweden.

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