Different subjects.
1syuzh. - The Soviet-Polish talks in the Kremlin. Brezhnev and others 2syuzh. - Awarding of the foremost in the Yaroslavl Engine Plant. 3syuzh. - Completion of construction of the railway Tynda - Bernakit. 4syuzh. - Machinery - Products Kolomna plant of heavy machine tools. 5syuzh. - IV congress of artists. Artist Erzya, his work in marble and other 6syuzh. - Sochi: rest.
1. Soviet-Polish talks in the Kremlin.
2. Awarding foremost at the Yaroslavl Engine Plant.
3. Winners of the State Prize for Schelkovskoye poultry plants.
4. The pilots - USSR State Prize winner.
5. Completion of the railway Tynda - Bernakit.
Laying "golden link".
6. Unique machines - products Kolomna plant of heavy machine tools.
7. IV Congress of the artists of the RSFSR.
8. Gai ore processing plant.
9. Sculptor Erzya, his work in marble.
10. Sochi: vacation on the Black Sea coast.,