Daily News / A Chronicle of the day № 17 (1977)

Newsreel №13204, 1 part, duration: 0:10:00, black-white
Production: CSDF (RCSDF)
Director:Skitovich V.
Camera operators:Babushkin I., Bgancev I., Bidilo V., Epifanov G., Koroev H., Lyaginskov R., Maksimov L., Mokil V., Semin V.


Different subjects.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

1. May Day demonstration in Moscow.

2. Installation of the fifth Nurek hydroelectric power station.

3. Seversky Pipe Plant.

4. Krivorozhskaya sherstopryadilnaya factory.

5. North of cotton in Tajikistan.

6. Office hydrometeorological the Far North.

Polar weather station "Ugra ball."

7. Dombai - the center of winter sports, mountaineering and tourism.

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