The role of the cameramen in the reflection of history. R. Carmen on the operator. The work of young documentary filmmaker: A. Opryshko, E. Andrikanis etc.
1h. The role of cameramen and a reflection of history. R. Carmen of the operator. Of young documentary filmmakers: A. Opryshko, E. Andrikanis etc.
Newsreel of the 1920-1930-s.:
Cameramen rotary knob cameras - CU., MS.
Military parade on Red Square - LS.
A construction worker.
Passing trucks, people with flags in the truck - LS.
Brass band plays - MS.
Polar - LS.
Descent ship on the water - MS.
Construction of the dam - LS.
Working crane MS.
Weaver at the machine - MS.
Blast-off - CU.
Various aspects of filming a documentary operators:
operator of the boat, on the hood of the car, the operator removes the fire;
's shooting in the open-hearth shop, in the weaving shop, at a construction site, etc.
The crew goes on an elephant - MS.
The elephant in the trunk keeps top box - MS.
Astronaut with a movie camera - CU.
The cameraman's shooting from a helicopter - MS.
Crew director R.Karmena on Red Square is filming
"The Unknown War» - MS.
R.Karmen says (synchronously) on young filmmakers.
Photos of documentary filmmakers: A.Opryshko, I.Grigoreva, T.Semenova - different.
Photos operators: V.Dobronitskogo, Yu.
Orlova, V.Nikonova - different.
Directed by Igor Grigoriev with the cameraman are shooting outdoors.
I.Grigoreva interviews (synchronously).
I.Grigorev talking to a figure skater Irina Rodnina - MS.
A film crew is shooting at a textile factory - LS.
Weaver interviewed - LS.
Excerpts from the documentary film, "Thirty Years" (rezh.I.Grigorev);
"A little story about human kindness" and "prosecution" (rezh.A.Opryshko);
"At the height" and "The Return of Igor Vinokurov" (directed T.Semenov).
A.Opryshko director talks about his films (synchronous) - CU.
Directed T.Semenov works for editing table - CU.
The operator removes Orzhekhovskaya football match at the stadium "Dinamo» - CU.
First festival of young directors and operators CSDF Cinema House.
Performers and producers A.Medvedkin L.Kristi - MS.
The presidium director D.Firsova etc. - MS.
A.Medvedkin award prizes directors I.Grigorevu, A.Opryshko, E.Andrikanis,
V.Gorbunovu operator - MS.
Newsreel 1941 1945.
Frontline cameraman V.Dobronitsky (father) from the plane takes off
destroyed Stalingrad - LS.
Cameraman V.Dobronitsky (son) takes a helicopter - LS., MS.
Gorbunov operator's shooting from a helicopter - MS.
M.Averbuh operator takes in the shop of the Lenin Komsomol Automobile - MS.
Nikonov operator removes in-office pediatric clinic - LS.
A.Pavlov director and cameraman G.Myakishev on shooting - MS., PNRM.