1 hour - Opening VII sport. Passage columns DOSAAF. Aviasportivny holiday in Omsk. Aerobatics. Competitions water motornikov and model ship. Rally in Vilnius. Ring motorcycle races in Georgia. Motorcyclists ride on the highway. Spectators along the highway. Speedway. Motorcycle. Military-applied all-around in the Alma-Ata: competition in automobiles, motorcycles, relay, overcoming obstacles, throwing grenades, running. 2h. Contest for Military-applied all-round. Cross shooting at firing positions. Swimming. Duello shooting. Competitions aviamodelizmu. Flying gliders. Winners-gliders. YAK-50 doing aerobatics. The plaque on the building of the former club Rostov Osoaviahima. Helicopter puts a bucket of water in a designated circle. Skydiving. Skydivers landing at the intended location. Athletes perform acrobatics in free fall. Landing operator. Stadium in Luzhniki. Column DOSAAF.
1 pm - Opening VII sport. Passage column DOSAAF. Aviasportivny holiday in Omsk. Aerobatics. Competitions vodomotornikov and modelers. Rally in Vilnius. Ring racing in Georgia. Motorcyclists ride on the highway. Spectators along the highway. Speedway. Motoball. Military-applied-around in Almaty: competition on cars, motorcycles, relay, overcoming obstacles, grenade throwing, running. 2h. -Competition in military-applied all-round. Cross with the shooting at the shooting range. Swimming. Dueling shooting. Competition model airplane. Flight gliders. Winners-glider. YAK-50 does aerobatics. The plaque on the building of the former Rostov club Osoaviahima. Helicopter puts a bucket of water at the designated circle. Skydiving. Skydivers landing at the intended location. Athletes perform acrobatics in free fall. Landing operator. Stadium in Luzhniki. Column DOSAAF.