Daily News / A Chronicle of the day № 30 (1981)

Newsreel №13774, 1 part, duration: 0:09:32, black-white
Production: CSDF (RCSDF)
Director:Andreev A.
Camera operators:Goremykin A., Donec V., Epifanov G., Kotovich O., Marfel E., Myaskovskiy V., Ternovoy A., Scherbatykh V.


Different subjects

Temporary description:

Press conference on the treatment of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR to the parliaments and peoples of the world. Construction Kacharskaya mining and processing enterprise. The work combines "Don-1500" on farm fields, "Path of Lenin" in the Rostov region. Build self-propelled earth-moving machines on the Mogilev Automobile Plant named after Kirov. Opening of a new bridge in the city of Riga. All-Russia Decorative-Applied and Folk Arts in Moscow. Markakolsky reserve in Kazakhstan.

Reel №1

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1. Press conference for Soviet and foreign journalists in connection with the appeal of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "to the parliaments and peoples of the world."

2. Construction Kacharskaya mining and processing enterprise.

3. The work of experienced harvesters "Don-1500" on farm fields, "Path of Lenin" in the Rostov region.

4. Build self-propelled earth-moving machines (skleperov) at Mogilev Automobile Plant named after Kirov.

5. Opening of a new bridge across the River Daugava in Riga.

6. All-Russia Decorative-Applied and Folk Arts in Moscow.

7. Markakolsky reserve in Kazakhstan.

8. French yacht "Spasiba".

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