Russian chronicler № 6 Night Shift. (2001)

Newsreel №14835, 1 part, duration: 0:09:49
Production: CSDF (RCSDF)
Director:Geraschenko L.
Screenwriters:Geraschenko L.
Camera operators:Dobronickiy V.


Kinoalmanah on doctors pediatorov 4th substation emergency medical care.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Illuminator RTSSD Shirmanov installs soffit - MS.

Soundman RCSDF S.Zorin headphones prepared for recording - MS.

By night street car rides "emergency» - MS.

Pediatrician "emergency" Larissa Anikeeva on duty sits with his colleagues, said the film crew of her own practice (synchronously) - CU.

Smiling doctors team "emergency» - CU.

Sits a team of doctors "first aid»-MS.

Female doctor leaves the room (background voice Manager passes the call) - MS.

Control room, a panorama on the equipment.

Manager receives a call (synchronous) - MS.

The corridor is a doctor "emergency» - MS.

Doctor is on call detail - MS.

The driver in the car.

Larina Anikeeva gets in the car "emergency» - MS.

Machine "emergency" passes through the streets of Moscow at night - different.

(Background Larissa Anikeeva talks about the "emergency").

Larissa Anikeeva etc. doctor come in entrance of the house, go to the apartment.

Doctor talking to tenants, examines ailing girl - MS.

Machine "emergency" enters the territory of Pediatric Infectious

Hospital number 12.

L.Anikeeva says (synchronously) - CU.

Doctors out of the elevator - MS.

The apartment doctor examines a boy lying on the bed - MS.

A small child sits at a table - MS.

Girl playing with a dog - MS.

A small child at the table, a plate of porridge on the table - CU.

L.Anikeeva says (synchronously) - CU.

PNRM. a toy for a child - MS.

A small child of rising rapier - MS.

Young woman talking on the phone, PNRM. to an empty crib.

Working managers "emergency» - MS.

Children run across the street at a red light - MS.

Manager records the calls - CU.

Boy falls and rolling hills with snow - MS.

PNRM. with hands on face Manager - CU.

The doctor gets out of "first aid" comes into the entrance.

Young hockey players at the rink - LS.

On the night street passing "ambulance» - MS.

L.Anikeeva examines ailing girl, talking to girls mom

(Synchronous) - Various.

L.Anikeeva examines boy - MS.

The doctor makes a boy a shot - MS.

Mother with a child go to the car "emergency", get in the car - LS.

The driver of the cab car - MS.

A group of doctors "emergency" is sitting in the duty of, drink tea - MS.

Gingerbread mugs on the table - MS.

L.Anikeeva (synchronous) talks about the criminal case from the practice-CU.

Illuminator - CU.

In the room the lights go out - LS.

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