About the playwright Mikhail Ugarova and created by the project "Theater. Dock and the process of preparing a new documentary play M. Ugarova" Biography forward. "
M. Ugarov (synchronously, interview on the street).
Interviews on the street with people.
Arrow pointer : Theater.dok.
M. Ugarov (synchronously).
Ugarov and actor V. Skvortsov go down to the basement where the theater is located.
Interview with M. Ugarov.
Close-up: voice recorder.
Hands on the computer keyboard typing text.
Text on the monitor.
Ugarov's monologue.
V.Skvortsov (portrays Ugarov, synchronously).
Actress O. Lapshina (portrays Mikhail's wife, synchronously).
Actor A. Omola (portrays Elena's son, synchronously).
Smiling Ugarov.
O. Lapshina (synchronously).
Ugarov M.Yu.-Rossijskij dramaturg, rezhissyor teatra i kino, scenarist, odin iz organizatorov festivalya molodoj dramaturgii «Lyubimovka», hudozhestvennij rukovoditelj «Teatra. DOC»,
Locations: Moscow [820]