Poland: Court of dissedentom E. Balukoy accused of anti-state activities GOVERNMENTAL.
El Salvador: Military operations of the patriotic forces in the provinces Chalatengo and San Jose de la Florence.
USA: Seminar agricultural specialists from different countries.<br>
France: The story of the Paris Metro.
United Kingdom: Sale by auction of the old models of aircraft.
Egypt: Anniversary of the capture of the Sinai Peninsula.
U.S. experts assist sea lions who have suffered during the storm.
Germany: Flooding in<br>
Sweden: Interview with PLO leader Yasser Arafat on the settlement of the situation in the Middle East - sync.<br>
France: The story of the riders prepare for competition by Ricardo GP Grand Prix.
Mexico: Delegation of FIFA inspects sports facilities in Mexico, which will host the World Cup in 1986.
South Africa, USA: The story of the birth of children with giants.
China: Informal tours of the American orchestra.<br>
Lebanon: U.S. envoy arrives in the town of Habib<br><br>
Italy: The meeting of the UN Food and Agriculture.
U.S.: Visit of the delegation of U.S. congressmen in order to clarify the question of foreign interference in the affairs of Nicaragua.
Egypt: The story of the head of the Coptic Church, in connection with his resignation.
Poland: Agricultural country.
Zambia: A representative of the UN Committee against apartheid South Africa, says provocations against the border states.
Poland: The story about the leader of "Solidarity" L. Walesa.