Foreign news footages № 94 (1987)

News №19986, 30 parts, duration: 0:39:35
Production: Misc

Reel №1 Statement by the Speaker of the muhandzhinov to sell missiles to Iran by China (U.S.).

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Statement by the Speaker of the muhandzhinov to sell missiles to Iran by China (U.S.).

Reel №2 Kim De Young has announced his candidacy for fielding presidential election in South Korea.

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Kim De Young has announced his candidacy for fielding presidential election in South Korea.

Reel №3 Price fluctuations on the stock exchanges in the world.

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Price fluctuations on the stock exchanges in the world.

Reel №4 Funeral defender of human rights in El Salvador.

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Funeral defender of human rights in El Salvador.

Reel №5 Statement by South African universities.

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Statement by South African universities.

Reel №6 Diana Princess of Wales attends a charity concert in Britain.

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Diana Princess of Wales attends a charity concert in Britain.

Reel №7 Statement of Ronald Reagan in the U.S. over the summit with Mikhail Gorbachev (USSR).

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Statement of Ronald Reagan in the U.S. over the summit with Mikhail Gorbachev (USSR).

Reel №8 Drought in Ethiopia.

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Drought in Ethiopia.

Reel №9 The explosion in the U.S. missile after launch.

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The explosion in the U.S. missile after launch.

Reel №10 Cubs albino crocodile in the U.S..

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Cubs albino crocodile in the U.S..

Reel №11 Preparation for sale at auction of paintings by Picasso and Gris in Spain.

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Preparation for sale at auction of paintings by Picasso and Gris in Spain.

Reel №12 Operations on the sale of drugs in Lebanon and Cyprus.

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Operations on the sale of drugs in Lebanon and Cyprus.

Reel №13 Conjoined twins in South Africa are in critical condition after the operation of their separation.

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Conjoined twins in South Africa are in critical condition after the operation of their separation.

Reel №14 Victims of attacks on U.S. military base in the Philippines.

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Victims of attacks on U.S. military base in the Philippines.

Reel №15 The consequences of a fire in a silo for the storage of manure in France.

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The consequences of a fire in a silo for the storage of manure in France.

Reel №16 Progress report on the issue of disarmament to countries participating in the Warsaw Pact in Czechoslovakia.

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Progress report on the issue of disarmament to countries participating in the Warsaw Pact in Czechoslovakia.

Reel №17 The general strike in Ecuador.

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The general strike in Ecuador.

Reel №18 The victims of the attack on the French embassy in Lebanon.

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The victims of the attack on the French embassy in Lebanon.

Reel №19 Falling share prices on stock exchanges.

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Falling share prices on stock exchanges.

Reel №20 The refugee camps in Sri Lanka.

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The refugee camps in Sri Lanka.

Reel №21 Condemnation of Sikh extremists for conspiracy in the UK.

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Condemnation of Sikh extremists for conspiracy in the UK.

Reel №22 Parade in honor of the girls had fallen into a well in the U.S..

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Parade in honor of the girls had fallen into a well in the U.S..

Reel №23 Victims of radiation leaks in Brazil.

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Victims of radiation leaks in Brazil.

Reel №24 The Government of Nicaragua rejects new measures to bring peace.

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The Government of Nicaragua rejects new measures to bring peace.

Reel №25 Millions of frogs overrun the village in Iran.

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Millions of frogs overrun the village in Iran.

Reel №26 Protest march in El Salvador.

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Protest march in El Salvador.

Reel №27 The weakening of the crisis on the stock exchanges in the UK and the USA.

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The weakening of the crisis on the stock exchanges in the UK and the USA.

Reel №28 Mobilization of the security forces after the Vatican's attempts to get people to Pope John Paul II.

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Mobilization of the security forces after the Vatican's attempts to get people to Pope John Paul II.

Reel №29 Arriving in the Persian Gulf deepwater U.S. Navy minesweeper.

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Arriving in the Persian Gulf deepwater U.S. Navy minesweeper.

Reel №30 President Reagan announces a summit between the U.S. and the USSR.

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President Reagan announces a summit between the U.S. and the USSR.

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