Political events in 1991 in the USSR (1991)

Footage №20692, 1 footage, duration: 0:25:43

Scene №1 Political events in 1991 in the USSR

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A plot.

Georgia, Tbilisi.

March 1991 - Military equipment on the streets of Tbilisi (deleted from the traffic).

2 plot.


March 28, 1991.

At Pushkin Square are military trucks, patrol costs, are men.

McDonald's sign, on Gorky Street traffic passes.

The policeman closes a hand lens camera, asked to stop filming.

Police cordon at Petrovka Street - with shields in the hands of police officers are wearing body armor.

People are placing police documents to go to work.

Police officers restricted traffic on Petrovka.

A woman with a placard is on Gorky Street, shouting anti-government slogans: "Shame on the anti-popular government", "Down with the Communist Party".

A man with a placard, "Gorbachev and Pavlov to task."

Police cordon on Gorky Street.

Kremlin towers.

A police cordon and protesters in Pushkin Square.

3 plot.

Moldova, Chisinau. 16.17 in March 1991.

The streets of Chisinau - drives transport, stand, talk to a group of citizens.

Police cordon at the entrance to the checkpoint.

The territory of the Soviet military units - housing, posters, armored personnel carriers, military pass.

The polling station at the military unit, as the government of Moldova boycotted the holding of the All-Union referendum on the preservation of the USSR.


Picketers against voting for the military unit.

Voting at a polling station in a state institution.

Street Chisinau view of the buildings.

Demonstration of the opponents of the referendum in Chisinau. - A crowd of people passes through the city streets, people waving flags and chanting slogans.

Key words

The collapse of the Soviet Union

Calendar: March 1991

Locations: Tbilisi [859] Moscow [820] Kishinev

Seasons: Spring [825] Day [828] Cloudy [832]

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