Boris Yeltsin's visit to Greece (1993)

Footage №20945, 1 footage, duration: 0:30:53

Scene №1 Boris Yeltsin's visit to Greece

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The general plan of Athens.

Airport of Athens.

An honor guard at the airport.

Flags of Russia and Greece.

The plane "Russia" at the airport.


Boris Yeltsin and N.I.Eltsina down the ramp, greet encountered.

Sound anthems of Russia and Greece.

Slides down a government motorcade.

Yeltsin talks about his meeting with Greek President KONSTANTINOS KARAMANLIS.

Yeltsin meets with Greek Prime Minister K.Mitsotakisom.

Meeting of the delegations of Russia and Greece in the extended format.

Signing of Russian-Greek documents Yeltsin and Mitsotakis.

Minister of Foreign Affairs A.V.Kozyrev signs the document.

Members of the delegation with glasses of champagne after signing the official documents.

Press conference of Boris Yeltsin and K.Mitsotakisa.


Eljcin B.N. Eljcina N.I. Karmanlis K. -- Greek President Micotakis K. -- Prime Minister of Greece

Calendar: 06.1993

Locations: Athens (Greece)

Seasons: Summer [824]

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