Funeral VI Lenin (1924)

Footage №22004, 4 footages, duration: 0:02:15

Scene №1 Funeral VI Lenin

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Crowds at the funeral of Lenin

Calendar: 01.1924.

Locations: Moscow [820]

Scene №2 Lenin's funeral

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Past the coffin with the body of Lenin, installed in Red Square, people are.

The Red Army in the honor guard at the tomb.


Lenin V.I.

Calendar: January 1924

Locations: Moscow [820]

Scene №3 Lenin's funeral

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Along the railway are people (from a moving train).

Red Army soldiers and workers carry the coffin of Vladimir Lenin.

Farewell ceremony with Lenin in the Hall of Columns - are adults and children.

V. Stalin, Bukharin, Zinoviev, Nadezhda Krupskaya, Mikhail Ulyanov, Dzerzhinsky, and others at the tomb.

Lenin in a coffin.


Lenin V.I. Stalin I.V. Buharin N. -- Soviet statesman and political figure Zinovjev G.E. -- Soviet statesman and political figure Dzerzhinskij F.E. -- Soviet statesman and political figure Krupskaya N.K. -- Soviet political and social activist, wife of Lenin Uljyanova M.I. -- Soviet party and state leaders, the sister of Vladimir Lenin

Calendar: January 1924

Locations: Moscow [820]

Scene №4 Funeral VI Lenin

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Lenin in his coffin.

An honor guard at the tomb.

Cadets at the tomb of Lenin.

NK Krupskaya at the tomb.

People walk past the coffin of Lenin.

Along the street are people with a banner "Lenin - our immortality."


Krupskaya N.K. -- political activist, wife, VI Lenin

Calendar: 01.1924.

Locations: Moscow [820]

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