Evening the streets of Hanoi.
Locals on bicycles, walking through the streets.
Car travel, car signals.
People walking along the shore of the pond.
Souvenir shops.
Products - woven masks, metal, plaster figurines, silver, engraving, jewelry boxes, picture, and so on. - Different plans, different shops.
Girl thong picture views, talking with a girl.
The woman at the window with the seller of silver products.
Souvenirs on the shelves - different plans.
Evening street - passing cyclists, cars, scooters are parked, are men.
Customers in stores.
Vietnamese girl cleans wooden figure of a lion.
A male playing with a Vietnamese child.
The child - different plans.
People on the street.
City Street - cyclists, people on scooters on the road (with traffic).
Interview with the Rector of Hanoi University of Foreign Languages.
Key words
South-East Asia
Calendar: 90th
Locations: Hanoi, Vietnam