Newsreel, 1913:
Kostroma Kremlin - a view from the river.
Pass Emperor Nicholas II, Alexandra, accompanied by the formation.
Representatives of Nicholas II presented with bread and salt.
1917 - Frustrated by double-headed eagle.
They run the armed workers.
1918 - Vladimir Lenin on the Senate Square in the Kremlin.
The territory of the camp, fenced with barbed wire.
1988 - Physician-therapist A.R.Dovzhenko in his office talking to the patient.
The building of the State of psychotherapeutic polyclinic № 223 in Moscow.
The work tells the clinic chief doctor, therapist Boyko.
A plaque on the building of clinics, "Here September 17, 1832 was born on an outstanding figure of the domestic medicine SPBotkin."
Doctors conduct psychotherapy clinic.
Patients during the sessions.
Boyko said the methods of treatment used in the clinic.
Patients in different procedures.
Therapist Yu.
Filimonov talks with foreign patient, talks about the treatment methods used in the clinic.
The therapist tells T.Kuznetsova diseases, which refer to the clinic.
Equipment clinics, staffed by physicians.
Patients at the reception of physicians in the survey, on the procedures, the sessions of psychotherapy.
Building psychotherapy clinic.
Says Boyko.
1988 - A.R.Dovzhenko involved with a group of patients.
A.Dovzhenko reads the letter, considering the photos.
The student A.Dovzhenko, chief medical officer the Primorsky psychotherapy center V.Shorin works in the office, engaged with the patient.
Photos V.Shorina.
The building of the State of psychotherapy clinic in Moscow.
Address of clinic: Moscow, street Chkalova 35.
Key words
Alternative Medicine
Dovzhenko A.R. -- physician, therapist, psychiatrist Bojko Yu.P. -- psychotherapist Shorin V.V. -- psychotherapist Nikolaj II -- emperor Aleksandra Fedorovna -- empress Lenin V.I.
Calendar: 90th 1913 - Nicholas II in Kostroma 1917 - The revolutionary events 1918 - Lenin Square in the Kremlin 1988 - The doctor is receiving patients A.Dovzhenko
Locations: Moscow [820] Ukraine [229]