Balloons with the words "just cause."
Protesters on Mayakovsky Square with banners.
Large painting of the Russian flag.
Brass band plays
Gaidar is surrounded by people.
WWII veteran with balloons, holding his painting of the Russian flag.
Gorky Street are painting the Russian flag.
Stretching the "just cause."
Gorky Street protesters are stretch marks, banners.
Columns are headed by BE Nemtsov, ET Gaidar, E. Yasin and others.
Rally in front of City Council.
BE stands Nemtsov (against fascism, against communism, the merger of Right Forces).
Gaidar acts (of market reforms)
Acts deputy of the Moscow City Duma Stebenkova LV (Referendum yes, no, yes).
Leading the rally slogan - Yes - reforms Yes - freedom of speech.
NO - poverty, NO - National communism.
No - war.
YES - the right cause.
People chanted yes, no, yes.
Priest stands.
Protesters hold hands.
Playing theater actors at Nikitsky Gate M. Rozovsky.
Watching the protesters.
Gajdar E. Nemcov B. Stebenkova L.V. -- deputy of the Moscow City Duma Yasin E.
Calendar: 1996
Locations: Moscow [820]
Seasons: Spring [825]