Interview with the leader of the radical center-left bloc A.N.Brumelya and other protesters.
Participants in the rally with placards "No political censorship!
Russia - your TV," "Gorbachev resigned," "dictatorship of the Communist Party - no!"
Playing the protesters.
Rally participants listen, chant - different plans.
Police officers observed the rally.
At the rally, a band playing "Sochi".
Participants in the rally waved signs, "Great Russia, and nowhere to retreat - behind Yeltsin".
Interview participants of the rally - the representative of the Centrist bloc of political parties and movements.
Interviews with participants of the rally.
Are participants in the meeting, is a man with a placard "Goryacheva!
Cool: cooperative eat ice cream."
Participants in the rally with a placard "Pornography - School Love" holds different cover identities.
Calendar: 1990-1992
Locations: Moscow [820]
Seasons: Winter [823] Evening [829]