Czechoslovakia - Harvesting in central Slovakia. Combine in a field. Elevator. Fodder. Drought: the parched earth. Artificial watering crops. Interview engineer MELIORATOR. Czechoslovakia - International youth student teams to help in the construction of the capital of Slovakia - Bratislava: the restoration of facades of old houses in the city center. Excavation of ancient walls of the castle Devin. Czechoslovakia - The field of wheat. Drought. Dried corn crops. Cracked earth. Harvesting. Artificial watering. Czechoslovakia, the USSR - Builders of Czechoslovakia build housing for construction of the gas pipeline compressor station "Brotherhood" north of Volgograd. Hungary - great drought in Hungary withered crops, cracked earth. Shoaled river. Herd on the field. Mow the grass. Artificial watering. Harvesting. Elevator. Plowing on winter crops.