Foreign newsreels № 3191 (1972)

News №31158, 6 footages, duration: 0:11:40

Temporary description:

GDR - Report of the Polish operator of Berlin - Monuments, young people, tourists on the streets. Poland - Editorial work in the printing of the newspaper "Tribuna common people." Massive celebration of the newspaper in Warsaw. Young people at a party. France - "The French Kaleidoscope" - Picking grapes and wine production. Glass factory at Saint-Gobain. The plane "Concorde". DRV and Hungary - The war in Vietnam. Week of Solidarity with the people of Vietnam in Hungary. Youth meeting. Bulgaria - Angela Davis in Bulgaria. Uganda - The expulsion of the Asian population by the government of General Amin.

Scene №1

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American human rights activist at the airport of Sofia A.Devis.

Reception at the head of Bulgaria T.Zhivkova.

Rewarding A.Devis Order.

A.Devis speaks to the audience in the hall.


Devis A.. -- American human rights activist, communist movement activist, sociologist, educator and writer Zhivkov T.

Locations: Sofia (Bulgaria)

Scene №2

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Editorial work in the printing of the newspaper "Tribuna common people."

Massive celebration newspapers in Warsaw.

Young people on holiday.

People in the exhibition.

Festivities in the square.

Kids eat cotton candy.

Shooting at a target.

Trading in the area.

People at an outdoor cafe.

Bottles of "Coca-Cola" on the tables.

Performance of the ensemble.


Locations: Warsaw (Poland)

Seasons: Rain [833]

Scene №3

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Peaceful life in Vietnam.


Meetings and gatherings. dedicated to solidarity with the people of Vietnam in Hungary.

The collection of signatures.

Youth meeting of the two countries.

Economic aid to Vietnam.


Last minute settlement.


Key words

Hungary - DRV
Vietnam War

Locations: Northern Vietnam Hungary [100]

Scene №4

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Reporting from Berlin's Brandenburg Gate, monuments, passers-by, tourists with cameras, tourist bus.

TV tower, traffic, fountain "Neptune", the city's streets.

Locations: Berlin (GDR)

Scene №5

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Picking grapes and wine production.

Glass factory in Saint-Gobain.

Plane "Concord" in the air, flying over the city, landing aircraft.

Locations: France [77]

Scene №6

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Deported from Uganda at the airport, at the airport.

Key words

Amin regime

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