Elections in India.
A woman's voice.
Calendar: 1967
Locations: India [103]
The demonstration in West Berlin.
Calendar: 1967
Locations: West Berlin [858]
Performance by violinist D.Oystraha
Ojstrah D. -- musician, violinist
Calendar: 1967
High-rise buildings of glass and concrete.
Statue of Liberty in Paris.
Youth passes by a shop window.
Young people with badges on the lapels of his jacket.
Girl in a cabaret.
The girl in cowboy clothes.
Young men in cowboy clothes.
Calendar: 1967
Locations: Paris (France)
The U.S. Navy in France.
Calendar: 1967
Locations: France [77]
Construction of the aircraft at the factory.
Key words
Aircraft industry
Calendar: 1967
Parade of NATO troops in France.
Calendar: 1967
Locations: France [77]
Construction of the new building of NATO.
Calendar: 1967
Locations: Belgium [22]
NATO session in Paris.
NATO members at the meeting, present Vice-Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Willy Brandt
Brandt V. -- German politician
Calendar: 1967
Locations: Paris (France)
Overview report from Chile street, passers-by, destruction, science, education, forestry, kids, girls sing and play the guitar, cooking in the oven, the clothing industry.
Calendar: 1967
Locations: Chile (South America)
The plot of the concentration camps on the territory of Poland in 1940-1945 .
Speech by Yu .
Locations: Poland [177]