Germany - 70th Vsegermanskogo Day travelers. Kiesinger acts. Germany - Fair (exhibition) for young people and teenagers. Dance bands, fashion, etc. Germany - "Day trips" in Wiesbaden (young people in a country the campaign). Germany - Demonstration of extravagant clothes for men. Germany - Fair (exhibition) for young people and teenagers. Germany - The exhibition "Modern Art" Heinz Mack in Dusseldorf. France - Demonstration of extravagant fashions.
Contemporary Art Exhibition Heinz Mack in Dusseldorf.
Extravagantly dressed young people at the show.
Locations: Dusseldorf [853]
Shooting fashion models in the pavilion.
Demonstration fashion autumn and winter season.
Key words
Locations: France [77]
Young people in the hall.
Singer Udo Jürgens distributes their records.
Reel tape recorder.
Speaker pop singer accompanied by the ensemble.
Yurgens Udo -- Austrian singer and composer
Locations: Germany [854]
Fair (exhibition) for youth and adolescents.
Pop bands, a fashion show.
Dancing young men.
Key words
Western youth
Locations: Germany [854]
Day trips in Wiesbaden (youth rustic hike).
Dance and stay young.
Key words
Western youth
Locations: Wiesbaden [855]
Demonstration models of clothes for men.
Key words
Locations: Germany [854]
Fair (exhibition) for youth and adolescents.
Young people in the stands.
Inflatable furniture.
Performance of the musical group.
Girl dries hair (under the hood).
Key words
Western youth
70th Day Germany's travelers.
People in the square.
Speaker K.Kizinger.
Kizinger K.
Locations: Germany [854]