Want to know everything № 247 (2001)

Newsreel №35419, 1 part, duration: 0:13:21
Producer: Centrnauchfilm (CNF)
Director:Yu.Popovich, M.Voronenkov
Screenwriters:I.Kogan, E.Vasiljeva, I.Golizhenkov
Camera operators:K.Fedorovich, P.Vlaskov, V.Tesakov



The newsreel tells about color, how the human eye distinguishes colors.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The film magazine tells about color, about the difference of colors with the human eye.

The host of the issue is actor B. Khimichev.

Animation with elements of staging: how people's ideas about how the eye perceives color have changed.

Animation scheme of light rays passing through the eye(refraction, reflection, absorption).

Reflection of light by glass.

Dramatization of "the Invisible Man".


Landscape with a rainbow (picture).

Rainbow in the sky (photos).

R. Bunsen (actor, dramatization) in the laboratory.

A piece of table salt in the flame of the burner turns the flame bright yellow.

A substance containing potassium turns the flame purple.

G. Kirchhoff (staged) in the laboratory.

Spectroscope Of Kirchhoff.

The principle of operation of the spectroscope (scheme).

Kirchhoff's experiments on the determination of the spectrum of various substances.

Spectra of different substances.

Solar prominences.

Spectrum of the Sun.

The helium spectrum.

Meeting room of the Paris Academy.

Medal in honor of the discovery of helium.


The structure of the human eye.

Diagram of the structure of the eye: cones and rods.

Various paintings.

Portrait of T. Jung.

Mixing of three color rays.

Mixing of three color rays in the human visual apparatus.

Two owls on a branch.

A bat.



Dramatization: chicken blindness.

Series №1 HVZ number 247

Newsreel tells about the color, the difference of colors the human eye.

Leading issue - Actor B.Himichev.

Calendar: 1991

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