Soviet Ural Mountains № 5 (1983)

Newsreel №3693, 1 part, duration: 0:09:56
Production: Sverdlovsk newsreel studio
Camera operators:S.Avdeev, V.Monastirskij, A.Tregubov, R.Lyaginskov
Text authors:O.Bichkova


Million rental blooming. Izhevsk. 2. Scientist - a geologist. Sverdlovsk. Portrait of a young scientist O.Oshkordina. CHX. 3. Science and Engineering Fair at the Polytechnic Institute. Chelyabinsk. 4. Lute. Sverdlovsk. Portrait of a musician E.Shafranskogo.

Reel №1

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1. Bluming of the Izhstal association.

A solemn meeting.

Photos of the 30s.

Veterans are next to the young.

2. Sverdlovsk Mining Institute.

One of the classrooms of the Institute.


Young scientist O. Oshkordin about a new method of mineral exploration (synchronously).

3. Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute.

Scientific and technical exhibition.

Visitors at the exhibition.

Demonstration of the exhibits.

Motor tester.

Car center.

testing a car engine with a new device.

4. Paintings depicting musicians playing the lute.

Sverdlovsk resident E. Shafransky plays the lute.

Lutes in the musician's apartment.

E. Shafransky performs together with G.Shulgina and E.Garzanchik.

The audience is in the hall.

Locations: Udmurtia [754] Sverdlovsk [876] Chelyabinsk [885]

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