Foreign newsreels № 6513 (1980)

News №38562, 1 part

Reel №1

Greece, Athens-A mass student demonstration to protest against the new legislation on exams.

Japan-World Boxing Championship.

Iceland-Mount Leirhnuk volcano eruption.

GDR, FRG-Special report on relations between the GDR and FRG over the past 10 years, 1970-1980.

China, Beijing-The official visit of the President of Burma to China.

England, Tunisia-The visit of Queen Elizabeth II to Tunisia.

USA, Miami, Florida, Kentucky-Presidential candidates R. Reagan and D. Carter comment on the issue of American hostages.

New Zealand-Rugby.

Israel, Jerusalem-Prime Minister Begin meets with the mayors of the West Bank.

USA-Construction of a nuclear power plant in California, October 1979, October 1980.

Iran-Fighting in the Qasr-Shirin area, filmed: burning guns, Iranian soldiers helping refugees, a refugee camp, destroyed buildings, a tank on the street.

USA, Florida-Achievements of surgery to help racehorses.

USA-Two train accidents in the state of Georgia.

Portugal, Lisbon-A demonstration of supporters of the leader of the Socialist Party, M. Suarez, demanding to nominate him for the presidential election.

Japan, Tokyo-Testing a new car model with an on-board electronic computer to help the driver.

UN, New York-Meeting of the UN General Assembly, voting on the issue of filling vacant positions in the Security Council.

Iran, USA (Tehran, New York) - The Iranian Prime Minister speaks about the American hostages, the UN discussion on the Iran-Iraq conflict.

Scene №1

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Brezhnev L.I. -- State and party leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union, Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist Labor, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (1966-1982). Gromiko A.A. -- Soviet diplomat, statesman, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR (1957-1985), Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (1985-1988), Doctor of Economics. Kosigin A.N. -- Statesman and party leader, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, twice Hero of Socialist Labor. Brandt V. (Fram G.E.K.) -- German politician, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Member of the European Parliament, 4th Federal Chancellor of Germany, Honorary Doctor of the Lomonosov Moscow State University. Honekker E. -- German statesman and politician, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the SED (1971-1989), twice Hero of the GDR, Hero of Labor of the GDR, Hero of the Soviet Union. Karter D.E. -- 39th President of the United States, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize (2002).

Scene №2

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Rejgan R.U. -- actor, radio host, public and political figure, 40th President of the United States. Karter D.E. -- 39th President of the United States, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize (2002).

Scene №3

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Scene №4

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Valjdhajm K.J. -- Austrian diplomat and politician, 4th UN Secretary-General, Federal President of Austria (1986-1992). Mohammad Ali Radzhai -- Statesman and politician, Prime Minister of Iran (1980-1981).

Scene №5

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Scene №6

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U Ne Vin -- Burmese statesman, political and military figure, General, Prime Minister of the Union of Burma (1958-1960), Ruler of Burma (1962-1988). Den Syaopin (Syao Pin) -- Chinese statesman, political and party leader.

Scene №7

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Begin M. -- Israeli politician, 7th Prime Minister of Israel, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize (1978).

Scene №8

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Scene №9

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Valjdhajm K.J. -- Austrian diplomat and politician, 4th UN Secretary-General, Federal President of Austria (1986-1992).

Scene №10

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Scene №11

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Scene №12

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Scene №13

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Scene №14

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Scene №15

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Elizaveta II -- Statesman and politician, Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Head of the British Commonwealth of Nations. Filipp, gercog Edinburgskij -- Husband of Elizabeth II, Prince Consort of Great Britain, Field Marshal, Marshal of the Royal Air Force, Captain-General of the Royal Marines, High Admiral. Burgiba H. -- Statesman and politician, President of Tunisia (1957-1987).

Scene №16

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Scene №17

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