Thematic issue devoted to the problems of work cooperatives.
Heavy traffic on the streets.
Children and adults cross the road.
Rides the bus.
People crowd the market.
Footwear public enterprise is sold for coupons.
Buyers inspect the shoes cooperators.
People crowded at the counter.
The buyer is responsible for questions of the journalist.
Woman puts baby in overalls.
A woman talks about the price of children's products.
Shutters on the counter closed, people disagree.
Market throng.
People see the goods.
Those buyers.
Says the chairman of the cooperative "Metallist" G.D.Stremouhov.
Top view of the scrap yard at the dump goes to people. G.D.Stremouhov conducts a tour of the dump and talks about the possibilities of a new use of waste metal production.
Employees of the cooperative "Metallist" at work. G.D.Stremouhov.
Twisted metal, aloof people unload the truck. G.D.Stremouhov smokes.
Transferring compressed briquettes metal magnet.
Tells G.D.Stremouhov.
Buyers and sellers in the mall.
Women believe money. G.D.Stremouhov Assistant loads the machine in a landfill.
People on the streets of the city.
The young man answers a reporter's question. G.D.Stremouhov picks up and carries away part of the railway network.