RETURN. Special issue dedicated to the Diaghilev days in Perm. Associate USU opened days S.V.Golynets. V.Dyagilev said. Says Professor of Moscow University D.V.Sarabyanov.
Perm, views of the city.
Portrait of S. Diaghilev.
Associate Professor of the Ural University S.gOlynets opens the Diaghilev Days.
V.V. Diaghilev - S. Diaghilev's nephew on the bus with the festival guests.
V. Diaghilev (synchronously) about his great ancestor.
Perm Art Gallery.
Photos of little Diaghilev.
Concert at the Perm Art Gallery.
Photo of a young Diaghilev.
Chronicle of the beginning of the 20th century.
S.V.Golynets (synchronously).
Covers of the magazine "World of Art".
In the halls of the Perm Gallery.
Vrubel's self-portrait.
"The Abduction of Europe" (V.Serov).
"The Armenian Woman" (E.Lancere).
MSU Professor D.V. Sarabyanov (synchronously).
Chronicle of the beginning of the century (Paris).
Chronicle :F.Chaliapin.
The poster of Diaghilev's ballet seasons.
In the halls of the Perm Gallery.
Chronicle: V. Karalli - "The Dying Swan".
Chronicle: ocean liner, streets of New York.
S. Diaghilev with I. Stravinsky and S.Prokofiev (photos).
Perm Opera and Ballet Theater.
A fragment of S. Prokofiev's ballet "Romeo and Juliet".
V. Diaghilev (synchronously).
Opening of a memorial relief to Diaghilev in Perm.
Photos of S. Diaghilev from different years.
Sarabjyanov D.V. -iskusstvoved, specialist po istorii russkogo i sovetsvkogo izobraziteljnogo iskusstva.
Calendar: 1900-1910
Locations: Perm [887]