The film is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the uprising of the Decembrists.
Key words
The revolutionary movement in Russia.
Armed forces.
The film is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Decembrist uprising.
Senate Square.
Backroom Hermitage.
Portrait of Nicholas I.
Miloradovich murder (lithography).
Lithograph with watercolor Coleman "Revolt on the Senate Square."
Portrait Beckendorf.
Gallery in 1812 in the Winter Palace.
Portraits Kutuzov, B. de Tolly, Alexander I, Arakcheeva.
Marching and performing tricks soldiers weapon.
Peter and Paul Fortress.
Ioanovsky bridge.
Double-headed eagle with scepter and emblem above the gate.
Peter and Paul Cathedral.
Marble tombstones.
Headstone of Alexander I.
Cover Ryleev investigation file.
Investigative case Pestel, S. Muraveva Apostle, Prince Baryatinsky.
Portraits S. Volkonskii Chernyshev, A. Beckendorf, Levasheva, Golenishcheva-Kutuzov, Uvarov, Bennigsen.
Snowy field of Borodino.
Calendar: 1975