The film tells about B.E.Tretyakove - founder and president of the charity fund "Help", which organizes doss houses across the country, people of no fixed abode.
The film tells about B.E.Tretyakove - founder and president of the charity fund "Help", which organizes doss houses across the country, people of no fixed abode.
The film was filming the following: B.E.Tretyakova interview (synchronously), and everyday life of the homeless, beggars and homeless people on the streets of Moscow, a general view of one of the city dumps.
Key words
Ekonomiicheskaya policy.
Calendar: 1992
Locations: Moscow [820]
Seagulls over the dump.
A bulldozer is shoveling garbage.
Homeless people in the landfill are rummaging through the garbage, collecting something.
The dump, taken from above.
B.E.Tretyakov (synchronously).
People in the underpass.
The boy plays the accordion and sings in the underpass.
Locations: Moscow [820]
Seasons: Summer [824]