Special issue dedicated to the anniversary of the Ural Volunteer Tank Corps. V.Ocheretin, Janinka.
People in the cemetery.
They put flowers on the grave.
Grave of V. Ocheretin.
The exposition of the exhibition.
Meeting of veterans.
The soundtrack of the last interview with V.Ocheretina.
Photo of V. Ocheretin in his house, next to a glass covered with a piece of bread.
Panorama of the room in apartment V.Ocheretina.
Sale of costume jewelry on the street.
Soldiers carry spruce branches.
A rally on the square near the monument.
A military band is playing.
Soldiers carry a wreath of fir branches.
The grave of Verkhovtsa N. K.
A man is sitting at the grave.
The building of the hospital for the disabled of the Second World War.
Veteran N. A. Yanenkov leaves the hospital.
Chronicle of the victory parade of the army troops of the twice Hero of the Soviet Union Guard Colonel-General Lelyushenko.
Ocheretin V.K. -pisatelj, publicist, zhurnalist
Locations: Sverdlovsk [876]
Seasons: Winter