LONG AND WILL BE kind ... Special issue. Disabled Veriskov want to live a full life. He is actively involved in sports.
A man is riding a bicycle.
The general plan shows that the man has one leg.
A man rides a bicycle on the roadway.
There is a huge queue on the street.
A man tells about his life to schoolchildren .
The faces of the guys listening to the story.
One of the guys asks a question (synchronously).
Wrestling classes in the gym.
On the carpet, the coach is a disabled person with one leg.
The guys are watching the fight.
Meeting Yu.
Vereskov is a student of the Leningrad Institute of Physical Culture, a coach with young people.
Vereskov in the classroom with children.
Vereskov at a meeting with children in a special boarding school in MoscowSverdlovsk.
Vereskov (synchronously) at a meeting with children in a special internet.
Guys with crutches listen to Vereskov.
Vereskov shows fighting techniques.
The guys applaud.
Vereskov Yu.E. -pisatelj, publicist, trener
Locations: Sverdlovsk [876]