The film tells the tragic story of the Okhotsk Sea. Uncontrolled fishing for herring led to the disappearance of birds and animals of the sea shores. Afterwards, people left fishing villages.
Rocks in the sea.
Birds over the sea (photo).
Fishing vessels.
The helicopter is flying over the Sea of Okhotsk.
Abandoned fishing villages.
Waves on the sea.
People walk along the shore, on which the caviar of the Okhotsk herring was thrown out.
Caviar on the palm of your hand.
Scientists study discarded caviar on the shore.
Fishermen return discarded caviar back to the sea.
Scuba divers under water.
Scuba divers come out of the sea with algae in their hands.
Caviar on algae.
Artificial spawning grounds project.
Fishermen put man-made spawning grounds in the water.
Nets with eggs on them.
A flock of fry.
Birds over the sea.
Bird market.
The pilot is in the cockpit of a helicopter.
The helicopter is flying over the Sea of Okhotsk.
Key words
Locations: Sea of Okhotsk