Originating corn syrupy. Special issue of the scientist-grain farmers T.S.Maltseve. Mound.
An abandoned hut.
An overgrown vegetable garden, a trough abandoned in the yard.
An old woman is walking along the path with a stick.
T. S. Maltsev (synchronously).
Panorama of the fields.
A shepherd grazes cows.
A man (farmer F.Volkov) puts the seeds in the seeder.
F.Volkov in the tractor cab.
A lesson in elementary school.
Children run out of school.
T. Maltsev (synchronously).
The girl (synchronously)about how she chose a profession.
Street of the city.
Schoolchildren at the beet harvest.
An old man and an old woman are sitting on a bench near their house.
A boy is walking along a road that is muddy from the rains.
Maljcev TS.T. -selekcioner, Dvazhdi Geroj Socialisticheskogo Truda, laureat Stalinskoj premii.
Locations: Kurgan region [783]
Seasons: Autumn