Special edition of the presidential race the candidates for president of Russia: Boris Yeltsin, Aman Tuleyev, Vladimir Zhirinovsky.
Speak Russian presidential candidate A. Tula, VV Zhirinovsky, BN Yeltsin (synchronously).
Streets of Sverdlovsk, passers-by, traders.
Protesters with placards.
Man with leaflets for Yeltsin.
Napёrstochnik and spectators.
Zhirinovsky says (synchronously).
Yeltsin and Tula at meetings with voters.
Yeltsin says about Zhirinovsky (synchronously).
Detail of the Soviet filmed propaganda: A Chronicle of the presidential elections in 1933 in the United States.
People at the station Sverdlovsk.
Zhirinovsky said candidate of his first decrees (synchronously).
Tula, at a meeting with voters.
Franklin Roosevelt's speech to the voters (synchronously).
Say Zhirinovsky, Tula (synchronously).
Newsreel elections in the United States.
Yeltsin says (synchronously).
Applause in the hall.
Yeltsin presented with flowers.
Yeltsin shaking hands with voters.
Detail of Soviet propaganda: elections in the United States.
Tuleyev said fraud in the election (synchronous).
Zhirinovsky said military coup (synchronously).
Franklin D. Roosevelt in the boat.
Key words
Russian presidential election
Boris Yeltsin Aman Tuleyev VV Zhirinovsky Franklin D. Roosevelt
Calendar: 1933
Locations: Russia [1] USA [851]