The film covers the development of the intergrated program ''Siberia'' that plans the rational use and opening up of the Siberian territories.
A helicopter flies over Siberia.
V.A.Koptyug (synchronously) about the riches of Siberia.
Novosibirsk Scientific Center.
Construction of Akademgorodok (chronicle).
M.A.Lavretyev develops a hydraulic gun for the destruction of solid rocks (chronicle).
Laboratories and institutes of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
V.A.Koptyug (synchronously).
Academician Aganbegyan discusses the creation of the TPC with colleagues.
Power lines.
Hydroelectric dam.
Siberian city street.
Children on a walk in kindergarten.
Kansk-Achinsk coal basin.
Sewage treatment plants.
Lake Baikal.
Koptyug Lavrentyev Belyayev
Calendar: 1957
Locations: Siberia
Seasons: Summer [824] Autumn [826]
Moose in the forest.
The building of the Limnological Institute.
Laboratory of the Institute.
Stuffed animals found on Lake Baikal.
A research vessel on Lake Baikal.
Baikal-Amur mainline.
Scientific laboratories.
Samples of minerals.
Mountain river.
Seismologists are examining dangerous places in the area of the BAM highway.
Director of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of Animals and Plants D.K.Belyaev (synchronously).
A mink in a cage.
Animal breeding farm.
Sheep in the pasture.
Grain harvesting.
Wheat field.
Novosibirsk State University.
Physics and Mathematics School at the University.
Belyaev D.K. -genetik, akademik Akademii nauk SSSR, s 1959 po 1985 god - direktor Instituta citologii i genetiki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR.
Locations: Siberia [926]
Seasons: Winter [823]