The film is dedicated to the Russian writer F.M.Reshetnikovu.
Open book.
The highlighted quote.
Portrait F.M.Reshetnikova.
Books F.M.Reshetnikova.
Alternation: illustrations to the writer, the natural scenery.
The streets of Leningrad.
People go on the park alley.
Doors of houses.
An excerpt from a letter F.M.Reshetnikova.
Entrance to the museum-apartment Nekrasov.
Visitors on the tour.
Museum Rooms.
Portrait F.M.Reshetnikova.
Portrait Nekrasov.
The books on the table.
Issue of the journal "Contemporary".
"Podlipovtsy" Essay.
Manuscripts F.M.Reshetnikova.
Portrait Nekrasov.
Portrait F.M.Reshetnikova.
Chair against the wall.
Roman "miners".
Issue of the journal "Contemporary".
The fence of the Summer Garden.
Commemorative plaque.
Photo Nekrasov.
People on the tour in the museum.
Portrait F.M.Reshetnikova.
Entries in the receipts and expenditure book writer.
The title page of the novel "Glumova".
Issue of the journal "Business".
Photo Nekrasov.
Manuscripts F.M.Reshetnikova.
The novel "Where better?" Portrait of Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin.
Pages Literary Review.
Portrait F.M.Reshetnikova.
Museum exhibits.
The story Gorky "Konovalov".
Illustration to the story.
Portrait F.M.Reshetnikova.
Locations: Sverdlovsk [876] Leningrad [848]
Seasons: Winter [823]