I came ... I will give (1991)

Documentary №41434, 3 parts, duration: 0:28:48
Production: Sverdlovsk newsreel studio
Director:V. Tarik
Camera operators:V. Tarik


S. Glebov became an independent farmer, having started to breed cattle in his land allotment. He believes in the reforms and his right for free labour.

Reel №1

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The film is dedicated villager Butka Talitsky district of Sverdlovsk region Stanislav Glebov, who raise cattle on his farmstead.

The film was filming the following: types of village Butko, people on the streets of the village, voting at a polling station during the All-Union referendum of voting S. Glebov. S. Glebov at home during a family dinner, feeding the cows, clean the barn, milking a cow, talking in a field with one from local farmers, removes snow in the yard, resting at home watching TV, listening to a transistor radio.

Villagers stand in line at the store.

S. Glebov wife - Elena Efimovna holds a history lesson in the village school, tucked away in the house, lunch, milking a cow, with her husband preparing feed cows, goes with his disciples on the street.

Key words

Rural settlements.
Electoral system.
National life.

Locations: Sverdlovsk region [803]

Seasons: Winter [823]

Reel №2

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S. Glebov clears the path in front of his house.

Neighbor S. Glebova (synchronously).

Glebov's wife teaches a lesson at school.

Village street in the evening.

The family is watching TV.

On the screen there is a debate in the Duma.

The head of the family talks about life in the village, about perestroika.

Glebov is listening to a transistor receiver.

The queue at the village store.

A crowd on the street in front of the store.

S. Glebov talks about the political situation and his views (synchronously).

S. Glebov plays the piano.

Photos from the family album.

Glebov is milking a cow.

Locations: Sverdlovsk region [803]

Seasons: Winter [823]

Reel №3

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The lesson at school is taught by Glebov's wife.

Glebov carries a newborn calf in his arms.

The Glebovs at home.

Village street.

Glebov is milking a cow.

Glebov's mother (synchronously).

The Glebovs work in the cowshed.

Village street in the evening.

Spring streams.

Flooded houses.

Glebov's wife and daughter are going to school.

Locations: Sverdlovsk region [803]

Seasons: Winter [823] Spring [825]

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