The film tells about the artist V. Goryaeva, the main genre of art which was the book illustrations.
People's Artist of the USSR, a graphic artist VN Goryaev at work in his studio in Abramtzevo Moscow region, draws on nature.
Drawings VN Goryaeva.
Illustration VN Goryaeva to the works of Nikolai Gogol, Pushkin, Dostoevsky, graphics for periodicals.
Key words
Goryaev V.N. -Narodnij hudozhnik SSSR, hudozhnik-grafik
Illustrations to Dostoevsky's works.
V.Goryaev (synchronously) about the work on the illustration.
Illustrations for the novel "Idiot".
V.Goryaev in the museum-apartment of F.Dostoevsky.
Illustrations for the novel "Teenager".
V.Goryaev at work on drawings for the novel "Teenager".
V. Goryaev (synchronously).
Drawings for Pushkin's biography.
V.Goryaev in Leningrad at the Car Wash.
V.Goryaev among young artists (synchronously).
Goryaev V.N. -hudozhnik-grafik, Narodnij hudozhnik SSSR.
Locations: Moscow [820] Leningrad [848]