School Museum. (1983)

Documentary №48856, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:35
Production: Centrnauchfilm (CNF)
Director:A. Morozova
Screenwriters:L.Pressman, A.Sejnenskij
Camera operators:G. Boyarskij
Other authors:G. Koneva, T. Uspenskaya, L. Presman, A. Sejnenskij


The film is dedicated to the organization of school museums.

Reel №1

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1h. - Students examine the museum.

Pathfinders go to places of military glory.

The guide leads a tour.

Lenin Museum in Gorky.

Pioneers sing a song.

Monument to 26 Baku commissars.

Veteran holds a conversation.

Rural School.

2h. - Village Settlement.

Playground school museum.

At the table was going to the museum board.

Students work on the tractor.

The student conducts a tour of the museum.

Says the director of the school number 29. Guide tells.

Chronicle: The ruins of Leningrad.

Key words

Rural settlements.
Guided work.
Out of school education.

Locations: Moscow [820] Moscow region [788] Azerbaijan [17]

Reel №2

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Settlement village.

The exposition of the school museum of military and labor glory.

Meeting of the Museum Council (synchronously).

Schoolchildren repair a tractor.

Tolyatti School Museum.

Meeting with veterans.

The exposition of the museum.

The student leads a tour of the museum (synchronously).

The workshop of the Volga automobile plant.

Memorial obelisk in honor of the deceased pupils of the Moscow artillery school.

Museum of Military Glory of the 2nd Special Artillery School.

School guides conduct excursions (synchronously).

Museum of school No. 325Leningrad

Portrait of O. Bergholz ()her voice sounds).

D. Shostakovich at the piano (photo).

Locations: Samara region [800] Moscow [820] Leningrad [848]


d. Settlements of the Kuibyshev region

Seasons: Winter [823]

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