On steel lines № 269 (1989)

Newsreel №49201, 1 part, duration: 0:08:48
Production: Centrnauchfilm (CNF)
Other authors:E.Galinskij, I.Timoshenkov. V.Sedov, A.Carenko,A.Romanov

Reel №1

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In newsreel includes the following topics:

1st plot.

Electricity control computers.

Movement with electric freight train on the railway.

General view of the Rostov isntituta rail.

Type one of the streets of Rostov-on-Don.

Employees of the Institute for the development of the automated control system of energy facilities.

General view energodispetcherskogo points North Caucasian railway Dorigo.

Employee data center lays all flocking data on energy facilities w / d in the computer.

General view of one of the w / d stations.

Carrying out planned maintenance on the line.

General view of the traction substation.

View microprocessor complex in one of the premises of the substation.

2nd story.

School management.

Inside view of the room control station on one of the w / d nodes Bitter-sorting station.

Plant workers to stay in school socialist economy: engaged in the classroom, simulator, recreating the conditions as close as possible to production.

Students 3-year-long seminar on "Radical reform of economic governance" in the classroom.

Third plot.

Mountain roads.

Passenger train on the railway in mountainous terrain.

Workers locomotive depot Lviv-West train wheels checked to determine the degree of wear.

Carrying out work in the workshop depot recovery wheel flange thickness, turning the wheel profile.

The freight trains on w / e

4th story.

All remains to people.

Former Chairman of the Union of the locomotive depot Bitter-Sorting A.M.Sidorov the building of the sanatorium "Health".

Vacationers in sanatorium play volleyball in the gym, have lunch in the dining room, taking procedures, including coniferous and mud baths, are present on the psychotherapeutic session, steamed in the sauna, swim in the pool.

Key words

Vocational education.

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