The film tells about the role in the life of a Siberian village Small Kuralov played club activities village workers led by the chairman of the collective farm "Victory" Smolin VV
Newlyweds sign the marriage document.
Groom sewing a button on the veil of the bride.
Bride and groom sawing logs, dancing a waltz.
Hills, taiga (span the plane).
Small village street Kupala winter.
The street goes "Moskvich", passing sleigh.
Mothers with strollers at home.
Children in kindergarten yard.
Says the chairman V. Smolin (synchronously).
Agriculture under the canopy. V. Smolin in the barnyard, at the sawmill.
Small village hospital Kupala.
Vocational School.
High school.
German lesson.
Palace of Culture. O. Borovikova teaches classes drama club.
Men sing ditties.
Children's choir rehearsal.
Children's choir sings.
Conducts NG Kobycheva.
Rehearsal children's puppet mug. I. Sudarina conducts classes.
Occupation choreographic circle.
Dance "brook" performed by an ensemble.
Ensemble "Sitting" on stage.
Ensemble members drink tea samovar, sing old Russian song.
House of Culture.
Seeing the army. V. Smolin on the grain field.
Harvester Works.
Cleaning grain.
Meeting hudsovet Palace of Culture.
Holiday "Farewell to winter."
Key words
Club-type facilities.
Secondary vocational education.
Medical care.
Amateur Art.