Area as microarrys the world with many of his troubles, joys, problems. Vladimirskaya square in St. Petersburg.
Movement of the tram.
Carman in the cockpit of the tram.
Vladimir area.
Vladimir Church (architectural monument of the 18th century.)
Restoration of the church.
Worshippers pray at icons and light candles.
Beggars at the church.
The procession.
Hare Krishnas in the church yard.
The bride in the church.
People immersed in a bowl of coins donations "for the repair of the temple."
Check Patriarch Alexy II in the church.
Patriarch Alexy II performs the rite of worship.
Street trade on Vladimir area.
Sale kvass, ice cream, trade with it.
Turn to the liquor store.
Policeman controls the queue.
People weighed in the balance.
Trade in vegetables and fruits.
Accordionist sings (synchronously).
Old lady dancing.
Memorial literary museum Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
Key words
Position of the various groups.
Private trade.
City transport.