The film is dedicated to the artist A. Lentulova. (The film is about the artist Aristarchus Vasileviche Lentulova (1882-1943), wrote their unique and colorful chapter in the history of Russian and Soviet art. His friends jokingly called him Yarilov for extraordinary sunshine of his paintings. There was something of the Russian heroes - great, friendly, addictive, musically gifted man of wide and good soul. His creative searches and succeeded each other, each time hitting the audience with new facets of talent.)
Self-portrait of A.Lentulov.
"Portrait of N.A. Solovyov".
Portraits of Lentulov (photo).
Fragments of Lentulov's paintings.
Paintings by Lentulov.
"Moscow Artists" (Lentulov).
"Portrait of M.P.Lentulova"
"Self-portrait with my wife."
"Allegorical depiction of the War of 1812".
Lentulov's still lifes.
Cathedrals and churches of Lentulov.
Tverskoy Boulevard.
The Bolshoi Theater building.
The scenery for Scriabin's Prometheus.
Key words
Master of arts; Lentulov AV artist film about artists
Group photos of artists.
Paintings by Lentulov.
Portraits by Lentulov "Portrait of a woman".
"Portrait of A.Ya.
Lentulov's theatrical scenery for "The Demon".
Scenery and costumes for "Tales of Hoffmann".
Photo of Lentulov at his paintings.
The artist's workshop.
Still lifes.
Lentulov's paintings of the Soviet period.
Brushes, palette.
Self-portrait with a violin.
Locations: Moscow [820]