The importance of water in human life, the legends associated with water. (Part 1 - sunset, evening, a large river. Sky with the sun (nicely). Landscape. Scythian sculpture. Pictures. Waterfall. Appearance of Christ to the people. Painting. Engravings by Durer. Church. Photos, worship water. Mineral source, people. Keys)
Panorama of the river.
Birds over the river.
Archaeological excavation in Veliky Novgorod.
V.L.Yanin (synchronously).
Vintage wooden boats.
A small church.
Lake Ilmen.
A fragment of A.Ivanov's painting "The Appearance of Christ to the people".
G.Dore "Creation of the world" (engravings).
A woman (synchronously) about a non-freezing well.
Krasnousolsky source.
Women pray at the spring.
Pilgrims at the holy spring (photo).
Drinking gallery of the balneological sanatorium.
People drink healing water.
The New Athos source.
Teacher Glichiani (synchronously) about the Kaman source.
Kamansky source.
Mountain river.
Various wells.
Key words
Yanin V.L. -istorik, arheolog. Akademik AN SSSR. Doktor istoricheskih nauk, professor, zaveduyuschij kafedroj arheologii MGU. Nachaljnik Novgorodskoj arheologicheskoj ekspedicii.
Locations: Novgorod region [791]