Creating our scientists energy converter "MHD generator" to increase the efficiency of heat engines. (Part 1 - Cooling towers. Turbines. IFL. Right-hand rule. Medal. Faraday portrait. IFL. Plasma MHD generator)
A wheel skidding in the snow.
The running engine of the car.
Smoking cooling towers.
Control center.
The turbine.
Smoking pipes.
The operator at the console.
Right hand rule (animation).
Medal with a portrait of Faraday.
Bridge over the Thames.
MHD generator (animation).
The engine room of the power plant.
A.E.Sheindlin at his desk in the office.
A.E.Sheindlin (synchronously).
Shejndlin A.E. -fizik, akademik Rossijskoj akademii nauk, pochyotnij direktor Objedinyonnogo instituta visokih temperatur RAN. Doktor tehnicheskih nauk, professor. Pochyotnij doktor MEI.
Seasons: Winter [823]