Promotional film about the new technology of casting aluminum in a magnetic field.
Waves on the sea.
Metal plates move under the influence of an electromagnetic field, aluminum powder is collected in the center of the ring.
The magnetic field does not allow liquid metal to spread.
The process of casting metal in a magnetic field.
Casting of aluminum into ingots by the sliding mold method.
This method has disadvantages.
For example, external layers, liquation surges and cracks.
These disadvantages arise due to the heterogeneous crystallization of aluminum.
To eliminate the shortcomings before rolling, it is necessary to process the ingots on a milling machine.
The process of casting metal in a magnetic field avoids the disadvantages of the previous method.
The working organ of this method is an inductor that forms an electromagnetic field.
This field will hold the molten aluminum.
Cartoon explaining the operation of the method of casting aluminum in a magnetic field.
A cooling liquid is supplied to the area of the magnetic field, which helps solidify the outer walls of the metal during casting.
Float regulator for liquid aluminum intake.
Rectangular, hexagonal and round shape of inductors.
The inductor is made of copper, hollow inside and cooled with water.
Foundry shop.
Unloading the ingot with a conventional crane.
The effectiveness of the method.
The surface of ingots spilled in an electromagnetic field.
The internal structure of aluminum when casting in a slide mold.
The structure is heterogeneous, there are liquations.
The internal structure of aluminum when casting in an electromagnetic mold, it is homogeneous and fine-grained.
The ingots obtained by the new metal, after cutting off the bottom and summer parts, can be immediately rolled.
Storage of ingots.
Key words
Internal structure.
Calendar: 1985