A story about the club at the polyclinic for lonely elderly people who have suffered serious mental and physical injuries, caught up in a state of stress, ways of psychological rehabilitation.
An elderly woman examines a photo.
Sideboard with utensils on the bottom shelf of military awards.
Photos on the bookshelves.
An elderly man at the table examines the photos.
Elderly man sitting on a park bench, snowing.
Dance classes for older people in the gym.
Talk with the doctor patient.
The doctor in the classroom.
Adults and children perform exercises for the hands.
Acupressure under the direction of a physician.
Exercises with the ball.
The circle of needlework, in the classroom there are children and adults.
People walking on the street, a lonely middle-aged woman in the crowd.
The doctor begins a conversation with the patient.
Locations: Moscow [820]
Seasons: Winter [823]