On the revival of soil fertility, the use of subsurface tillage method.
The film tells the story of the national farmers, former director of one of the MTS selskohozyaystvennnyh enterprises Solnechnogorsky district, Moscow region, residents etc.
Trusovo V.P.Ushakove and about his experiences in tillage, which allow uludshit soil fertility and crop yields.
Part 1.
Meadow flowers.
Traffic and pedestrians on a city street.
Smokestack smokestacks.
Children in masks are about smoky CHP. Dirty water is poured from the pipe into the pond.
Water is discharged into an underground drain.
Tillage and fertilization on spring field.
Harvesting wheat combine.
Photos of Academician Vernadsky and agriculturist T.S.Maltseva.
President of the association "Academia new thinking" Yu.N.Zabrodotsky gives an interview in which criticizes the modern practice of economic principle to take more than give (sinhr.).
2nd part.
Orchard and garden on the plot in the village V.P.Ushakova
Trusovo. V.P.Ushakov at work in the garden: watering the beds; polyethylene covers beds in the greenhouse; experimental forms for seedbed preparation of humus; makes soil pits for planting material special marker own making; provides planting and harvesting potatoes on his own technique.
Various agricultural tools made V.P.Ushakovym for planting and fertilizing the soil. V.P.Ushakov at work on drawings at home. V.P.Ushakov talks about agriculture technology in small areas and plots (sinhr.).
Key words
Road transport and road.
Individual farming and horticulture.
Civil defense.